
Forgiveness is the action to let go or give up resentment, indignation or anger caused by an offense committed by another or ourselves. It’s a voluntary change of destructive behaviors directed against the damage that has been done for other more constructive. When we hurt the immediate reaction is to go against logic and who hurt us, this reaction is …


  Self-esteem is the belief that we have about ourselves, those qualities, skills, ways of feeling or thinking that we attribute to ourselves, our “self-image”. Self-esteem is the assessment we make of ourselves on the basis of feelings and experiences that we have incorporated throughout life. We feel smart or fools, capable or incapable, we like each other or not. …

Stages of Grief

The loss of a loved one or an important relationship affects people in different ways. The following are the 5 Stages of Grief introduced by Elizabeth Kuble-Ross in her 1969 book On Death and Dying, which can give you a better idea of what you can expect if you’re experiencing grief. The 5 stages of grief: 1. SHOCK-DENIAL 2. ANGER …

The 5 Love Languages

The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman is one of my favorite books to recommend to couples seeking to improve their relationship.  Dr. Chapman explains that the expression of love falls into five different categories; each of us can identify one or two of these categories in the way we express love, and the way we want to receive …

10 Tips to have a more Constructive Argument

Arguments and discussions can lead to ugly places.  Having an arguments is necessary in order to achieve solutions at times.  In my previous Blog Destructive Arguments I mentioned what NOT to do during an argument.  Here are 10 Tips that can help you have more constructive arguments and reach understanding: Set aside a quiet time to discuss the problem Take …

Destructive Arguments

Arguing is a normal part of relationships, given that we all have different opinions and views about the world around us.  However, arguing can become so frequent and intense that it seems like the there is no hope for a relationship.  Dr. John Gottman, a recognized expert in the field of couples therapy and psychology describes four prominent negative interactions …

Feeling Sad or Depressed?

Sadness is a normal emotion that we all experience from time to time.  Difficult or painful situations in life can contribute to prolonged sadness that can even lead to depression.  Depression is a condition characterized by feeling hopelessness and helplessness, changes in appetite, changes in sleep patterns, loss of interest in daily activities, loss of energy, self-loathing, and difficulty concentrating.  …

10 Tips to Have a Healthy Marital Relationship

Problems in our marital relationships can add stress to the pile of daily preoccupations.  Having a healthy relationships can relieve some stress. The following are ten tips to have a healthy marital relationship: Have a weekly date night Talk about your day with each other Call or text in the middle of the day just to say Hey! Let your …


I heard the news about Shakira finding racy pictures of women in her boyfriend Gerard Pique’s phone.  Most women would be upset and jealous about a situation of this nature.  However, jealousy if not a female only feeling.  All of us have felt jealous at one point or another in our relationships.  The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word jealous as …

An Affair

Can you recover from an Affair outside of your relationship? The previous question was submitted though Come Get Help’s Facebook message board. An affair is a devastating event in a relationship which can break the trust that was once placed in a partner.  A relationship can recover from an affair if both partners are willing to work to learn to …